Welcome back to this info blog on the ins and outs of the many popular TV advertised weight loss diet food delivery systems. In this post I want to look at a commonly enough asked question of the leader in this field, which is "does Nutrisystem work?"
Well, that's a pretty broad question and one that has a series of answers depending upon the way in which this diet plan is used. For starters, and from a completely logical and nutritionist standpoint, the answer can only be "Yes."
This is because the food that makes up the Nutrisystem diet, the size of the portions, their calorie count and constituents are designed to provide the maximum amount of nutritional value to an average sized person while simultaneously providing only enough calories to maintain a healthy weight. That means that if a person who is overweight and goes on this diet plan and sticks to it rigidly, they must lose weight. No ifs or buts about it.
So why are there even any complaints from people who claim that is does not work?
To put it simply, if a diet food delivery plan like that provided by Nutrisystem did not cause you to lose weight, being brutally honest here, you cheated. Yes you did!
When you thought no one was looking, you sneaked some high calorie snacks and ate them, in the belief that "Oh, one little snack won't hurt."
But one little snack that you may think is perfectly innocent can contain more calories than a whole Nutrisystem meal and will be enough to push you well and truly over your daily calorie count, which totally negates the calorie controlled nature of the diet and leads to weight gain, not weight loss.
Do that on more than one occasion and you've effectively canceled out any benefit from the diet and likely caused yourself to even gain some weight as a result. But so many of the people who failed will swear blind that they didn't cheat. Unfortunately, there is one maxim about a person's body weight that holds true no matter what anyone may claim:
If you consume fewer calories than your body burns, you will lose weight.
On the flip side, if you consume more calories than your body burns you will gain weight. This is an absolute truth and nothing can alter this fact. No glandular abnormalities, or bodily disorders can possibly make a person gain weight if there are no spare calories for that weight to be manufactured from. Its all down to the laws of mass. Mass cannot increase unless it is added to.
So if you are a very overweight person, the law states that you got that way because you consumed more calories than your body could burn. Now its no good trying to maintain that you have a very low metabolic rate. If that's the case, then you need to exercise more to increase it but you still will only gain weight by eating (and drinking) more than you should.
So back to the original question, "Does the Nutrisystem diet system work?" It works if you don't cheat on your diet or slip into your old eating habits. By that I mean it works if you don't cheat - really!