Thursday, July 5, 2012

Facts about Diets and Dieting

Welcome back once again. You may have tried this or that great new diet program or weight loss solution in an effort to reduce your waistline by a few inches and tip the scales at several pounds less than you started at but found that little seemed to work for you.

There are several alternatives to choose from when it comes to diet programs. One option you may not have tried is a phased approach like the South Beach Diet or something similar like the Zone or Dukan diets.

Working for Success

The way they work provides a very successful solution for many people who have had trouble with other options in their attempts at losing some weight. The difference with this particular system is that it is done over three or more stages, or phases with the starting phase made short but tough and then relaxing into the second stage once your body has gotten used to burning fat and also by eating smaller portions of the right foods.

It may not suit everyone, especially those who simply do not have the determination to work with an initially restrictive diet that cuts out all the things most people like to eat. You know the things that I'm talking about here, such as bread, pasta and other foods rich in carbohydrates as well as all the usual culprits in sugary foods, candies, cakes, pies, cookies etc.

Where you can encounter a first phase that is more focused on high protein foods, in a similar way to the Atkins diet, you can be very strict with what you eat and lose weight fairly rapidly. However it is only for two weeks, after which some carbs are re-introduced in later phases, making this kind of system a more healthy and balanced one which is better for your health in the long term.

Steady Dieting for Long Term Success

Many people prefer a steady dieting approach that is provided with some of the better known diet delivery programs. Big brands like Nutrisystem, Medifast and Jenny Craig all have advantages over phased diets in that they are not so restrictive at the time when dieters are most vulnerable to quitting when the going gets tough, which is the early days.

When you know more of the facts about diet systems such as Nutrisystem, it all soon falls into place. It's a sure way of shedding that excess weight as well as being a good long term means of trimming up, slimming down and keeping the weight off.